Installing Netgen Layouts Enterprise

To install Netgen Layouts Enterprise, you need to have an existing Symfony full stack installation (eZ Platform, Sylius, clean Symfony install…) with Netgen Layouts open source edition installed and configured.

Add packages to Composer

To install Netgen Layouts Enterprise, you need a valid license. Once purchased, you need to add the license to Composer with the following command:

composer config <username> <token>

Next, add the Composer repository to repositories section of your composer.json:

"repositories": [
    { "type": "composer", "url": "" }

Add the netgen/layouts-enterprise package to your require section. Use the same version as the Netgen Layouts packages from open source edition. For example, if you’re using ~0.13.0 version of Netgen Layouts, use the same ~0.13.0 version for Netgen Layouts Enterprise too.


If you’re installing Netgen Layouts Enterprise on eZ Platform, you need the netgen/layouts-enterprise-ezplatform package too, in the same version as the other Netgen Layouts packages.

Activate the bundles

Add the following bundles to your kernel:

new Netgen\Bundle\LayoutsEnterpriseBundle\NetgenLayoutsEnterpriseBundle(),
new Netgen\Bundle\LayoutsEnterpriseAdminBundle\NetgenLayoutsEnterpriseAdminBundle(),
new Netgen\Bundle\LayoutsEnterpriseUIBundle\NetgenLayoutsEnterpriseUIBundle(),


If you’re installing Netgen Layouts on eZ Platform, activate the following bundle too after all of the bundles listed above:

new Netgen\Bundle\LayoutsEnterpriseEzPlatformBundle\NetgenLayoutsEnterpriseEzPlatformBundle(),

Make sure to activate these bundles after all other Netgen Layouts bundles.

Run Composer


Make sure you run Composer only after adding the bundles to your kernel. Otherwise, important frontend assets will not be installed. In that case, you can install the assets later by running the following command:

php bin/console assets:install --symlink --relative

Run the following Composer command to install the packages:

composer update --prefer-dist


prefer-dist is used because it is not possible to install source packages from repository. Make sure to remember this when upgrading Netgen Layouts Enterprise to future versions.

Routing and assets

Add the following routes to your main routing config file. Make sure you add them after all other Netgen Layouts routes:

    resource: "@NetgenLayoutsEnterpriseBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
    prefix: "%netgen_layouts.route_prefix%"